Our Services

  • Discovery & AI Strategy Recs

    We interview staff at your organization, study your main work products, and present a set of strategy recommendations to your senior team about the biggest opportunities and risks AI creates for your org

  • Risk Analysis & AI Policy Development

    We work with your program, legal, and IT teams to analyze the risks and threats AI brings to your organization, and help draft an AI usage policy to guide your staff and protect your sensitive data while promoting the ethical and responsible use of AI.

  • AI Tool Workshops

    We’ve trained hundreds of staff from dozens of organizations to use AI for writing, research, strategy, audiovisual content generation, and more. After a series of just three workshops, almost all attendees report using AI tools on a regular basis to save time and improve the quality of their work.

  • Individual/Small Group Coaching

    For senior staff, we recommend a series of five 1-1 or 2-1 coaching sessions on AI. In these sessions we both impart practical AI skills that save your senior staff valuable time, and also position them to effectively manage teams using AI tools.

  • Team Workflow Transformation

    We study the workflows of a functional team to identify both points of friction AI can solve and areas of opportunity for greater impact. We evaluate and recommend domain-specific tools, write detailed custom prompts (including GPTs), and train your team on these tools.

  • AI-centered Program Design

    We run design thinking workshops with your staff to identify and develop new AI-powered programs to help achieve your mission — from an AI-powered custom research tool, to a new social media strategy, to new modes of direct service for your constituents.

Areas of Opportunity

Early studies indicate that existing LLM and generative AI tools can create unprecedented productivity gains for knowledge workers. The numbers seem almost unbelievable: One study found over 50% productivity increases for programmers, and another found over 30% gains for knowledge workers writing strategy memos and similar products.[1] Organizations that leverage these gains early will likely earn massive advantages over their competitors.

We have worked with mission-driven organizations to apply generative AI tools across a wide variety of domains. These include, but are not limited to:


You will never write the first draft of a grant report again. LLMs can also draft emails to donors, co-brainstorm new fundraising tactics, and more.

Public relations & social media

AI can generate and polish drafts of your slide decks, press releases, web content, social media posts (including images/video), and more.

Strategic research & analysis

AI can research and draft SWOT analyses, co-solve problems with you, generate creative ideas for business models, and more.

Management & internal comms

LLMs can save you time by drafting or polishing internal memos or emails, meeting agendas, performance reviews, and more.

Member services

For programs that include individual communication with constituents, chatbots like WorkIt can dramatically increase the number of people you can serve.

Coding & data analysis

AI coding chatbots can dramatically increase the efficiency of coders and the bar of expertise required for web development and data analysis.